Algiere is moving to the cloud and updating the project management software to provide open and daily updates to all project team members.

As we close 2023, Algiere has migrated its whole operating platform to be cloud-based. We will be implementing two new major software changes to make the process of designing, purchasing and project management more efficient.

In January 2024 we will be rolling out a program that is vertically integrated. The project will involve all team members, communications, project updates and photographic references throughout the project. The program will allow access at various levels for all parties involved in any given project.

This update will provide real-time updates and allow for the integration of accounting, contractual documentation and performance status updates throughout the jobs.

Algiere construction named top hotel construction company in 2022 for the third year in a row!

Hotel Management Magazine unveiled the Top Construction Companies in its August 2023 edition. We are proud to announce that Algiere Construction Services, Inc. was one of the Top Construction Companies named! For all of your renovation or conversion projects, call Algiere Construction at 972-618-1100 or email us at ralgiere@algierehospitality.com.

Algiere’s design team is proud to have partnered with IHG to help redesign the new public area Formula Blue 2.0 design scheme.  We continue to aid franchisees in the conversion of the older designs to mee the new Brand standard. We offer a comprehensive turnkey package including the exterior reimaging and the full interior upgrades on a fixed price lumps sum basis. Contact Bob Algiere (972) 608-3734 or ralgiere@algierehospitality.com for more information and a site visit scheduling.

2020 News & Events

Algiere Has Adopted Proper CDC Safety Protocols and State Mandated Guidelines

During these unprecedented times, Algiere Construction Services, Inc. and Algiere Design & Purchasing Services, Inc. have been and are continuing to embrace every recommended Covid-19 Safety Protocol.   Algiere is following all guidelines issued by the CDC and Texas Governor Greg Abbott to ensure the safety of our crews, designers, our clients, prospects, their staff and guests.

The wearing of face masks, gloves, and enhanced disinfecting and cleaning measures of tools, hard hats, vests, boots and much more are being followed on job sites. Similar measures are also being implemented at our offices. Our Plano, TX corporate offices are disinfected daily with weekly power-cleaning. Algiere has antibacterial sanitation stations located in all public areas throughout the offices. Our team is working split-shifts and from homes. These are measures to aid in proper social distancing and for providing ongoing support to our clients and prospects.

We are working. We are ready to assist you with your hotels projects as needed. Algiere, working together with you towards your success. As a member of your team, we encourage all to follow the Covid-19 Guidelines.

For your renovation, conversion or new build projects, please call Robert Algiere at 972-618-1100 or email him at ralgiere@algierehospitality.com to explore Algiere services and solutions.  Keep safe and stay healthy!

Algiere Is Delta Approved

Algiere is happy to share we were one of the first interior design firms to be approved for Delta by Marriott. With 2 Delta Hotel design projects to our credit, we are rockin’ this new hotel concept!


We welcome the opportunity to be on your team. In the news and on your mind. Check back with us soon. Thanks!